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With the mission of re-establishing dialogue and relations between parties in conflict, the Ágile Chamber is one of the most modern chambers of mediation and conciliation in Bahia.


We continuously foster knowledge, interpersonal relations and the principles of Mediation, having as main characteristics of our performance the technical quality, service excellence, impartiality and confidentiality.


We act in the construction of consensual solutions between people or companies that are experiencing conflicts in the business, family, educational, condominium, civil and labor areas. We train people and business teams, helping to develop active listening, empathy and collaboration.


Our Chamber of Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration has experienced professionals of distinct technical qualification. Our service is personalized and we come to you!


Our team is formed by conciliators, mediators and arbitrators with specialized training and extensive experience in alternative means of conflict resolution.




It is an alternative means of conflict resolution in which the parties entrust a neutral third person, the conciliator, with the task of bringing them together and guiding them in the construction of an agreement. The conciliator is a professional trained in conflict resolution, who acts as a facilitator of the agreement between those involved, creating a context conducive to mutual understanding, rapprochement of interests and harmonization of relations. The conciliator can suggest paths, help the parties to formulate proposals and encourage mutual concessions to reach the agreement.


It is a reserved procedure in which the mediator, third, impartial and independent, helps the parties to manage a dispute and reach an agreement beneficial to both parties. The mediator is a professional trained in conflict management and has the task of facilitating dialogue between the parties and helping them to build a satisfactory solution. The parties are in control of the outcome, because with the help of the mediator they build binding, advantageous agreements based on the interests of both parties.


It is an "alternative means of resolving disputes through the intervention of one or more persons who receive their powers from a private convention, deciding on the basis of it, without state intervention, the decision being intended to assume the same effectiveness as the judicial sentence".

(Carlos Alberto Carmona)


Administrative Address:

Av. Osvaldo Cruz, 518 - Cidade Nova - Ilhéus Bahia - CEP 45.652-130


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© 2020 por Ágile Camara de Conciliação, Mediação e Arbitragem

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